samedi 23 novembre 2013


This blog will deal with the contemporary stained-glass windows in the North of Europe. I will be lucky to take part in a scientific mission at the Royal Institute of Artistic Heritage in Brussels. This is an inventory of the stained-glass windows dated from the nineteenth century and twentieth century in Belgium. This project of inventory and study is one of the activities of the institute to promote the Belgian artistic heritage on the national and international levels.

Before my internship, started in March, I have to search information about the history of the art of stained glass window making and the relationship between contemporary artists and religious or public buildings, etc… In these articles, I will to share with you the results of my personal research and my personal experience about contemporary sacred art. For example, the first article will deal with my first encounter with contemporary sacred art in the Lille cathedral.

I hope that this subject and these articles will be interesting. For sure, this blog will account for my research but not for the whole subject. I will give you bibliographic references in order to give you the opportunity for in-depth study.

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